I wrote this rosary as a special, personal devotion to Santísima Muerte. It can be used with her rosary or a rosary of your choice. It went through several iterations since first being penned and may yet change again. I recognize Santa Muerte's Catholic origins; however, I wrote this with a New Thought and New Age perspective. In making it public, I have kept to that format, as I am certain more than just Catholics may view it; however, as this is a living document, feel free to alter the wording to suit your needs.

With the rosary, holding the figure, medal or cross, make a sign of invocation; say:
Lift me up, bathe me in light, prosper and protect me, through the intercession of La Santísima Muerte, in the name of the Universe, so mote it be.
Still holding the figure, medal, or cross; say:
I believe in Infinite Intelligence, the Universe, the Unknowable Divine Force which is ever expanding, ever producing, and ever giving.
I believe that this Force can be worked with directly, but I also believe in its aspects which are relatable to me. These aspects are called Gods, Goddesses, Angels, Demons, Elementals, Saints, Folk Saints, Los Poderosos, and by many other names. I believe that
some of these forces were assigned to me at birth to be my companions throughout life. I
believe that others come to me to teach and comfort as needed. I believe in the all-encompassing and all-accepting nature of the Divine.
I believe in Our Lady of Guadalupe and in La Santísima Muerte. I believe that they complement each other and help keep balance in the terrestrial world. I believe in the love they have for me and for all their children.
On the first bead, say:
Ever-expanding, ever-producing, ever-giving All, thank you for the life I have created with my thoughts. Help me to recognize my choice in all things, and to focus on the things I want to know, have, and experience for myself. Bendita Sea.
On the next three beads, say:
Guadalupe, Queen of Heaven and Earth,
Great Mother to whom we owe our birth,
Holy Matron of land and sea
Thank you for my prosperity,
Wellness, money, good luck, and friends,
And a happy home to prosper in.
Bendita sea, and so it is.
On the next bead, say:
Ever-expanding, ever-producing, ever-giving All, thank you for the life I have created with my thoughts. Help me to recognize my choice in all things, and to focus on the things I want to know, have, and experience for myself. Bendita Sea.
On the central bead or figure, say:
Ave La Flaquita, she who walks between the worlds.
Ave La Hermana Blanca, she who gives me peace of mind.
Ave La Huesuda, she who strengthens me.
Ave La Niña Santa, she who heals me and keeps me healthy.
Ave La Bonita, she who loves me.
Ave La Madrina, she who prospers me.
Ave La Negra, she who protects me.
Ave La Santísima Muerte, she who blesses me throughout life and will greet me at life’s end. Bendita Sea.
On the next ten beads, say:
Santísima Muerte, Holy Godmother who loves, accepts, and protects us, bless us throughout life and meet us with a holy death. So mote it be.
On the next bead, say:
Ever-expanding, ever-producing, ever-giving All, thank you for the life I have created with my thoughts. Help me to recognize my choice in all things, and to focus on the things I want to know, have, and experience for myself. Bendita Sea.
On the next ten beads, say:
Santísima Muerte, Holy Godmother who loves, accepts, and protects us, bless us throughout life and meet us with a holy death. So mote it be.
On the next bead, say:
Ever-expanding, ever-producing, ever-giving All, thank you for the life I have created with my thoughts. Help me to recognize my choice in all things, and to focus on the things I want to know, have, and experience for myself. Bendita Sea.
On the next ten beads, say:
Santísima Muerte, Holy Godmother who loves, accepts, and protects us, bless us throughout life and meet us with a holy death. So mote it be.
On the next bead, say:
Ever-expanding, ever-producing, ever-giving All, thank you for the life I have created with my thoughts. Help me to recognize my choice in all things, and to focus on the things I want to know, have, and experience for myself. Bendita Sea.
On the next ten beads, say:
Santísima Muerte, Holy Godmother who loves, accepts, and protects us, bless us throughout life and meet us with a holy death. So mote it be.
On the next bead, say:
Ever-expanding, ever-producing, ever-giving All, thank you for the life I have created with my thoughts. Help me to recognize my choice in all things, and to focus on the things I want to know, have, and experience for myself. Bendita Sea.
On the next ten beads, say:
Santísima Muerte, Holy Godmother who loves, accepts, and protects us, bless us throughout life and meet us with a holy death. So mote it be.
On the central bead or figure, say:
Santísima Muerte, Holy Godmother, lift me up, bathe me in light, prosper and protect me, and fill my life with peace and tranquility. Holy Godmother, bless me throughout life and meet me with a holy death. So mote it be.
Still holding the figure, medal, or cross, make a sign of invocation; say:
Lift me up, bathe me in light, prosper and protect me, through the intercession of La Santísima Muerte, in the name of the Universe, so mote it be.
It is my sincere hope that you find this rosary helpful in your own practice. Beautiful Santa Muerte rosaries can be found on eBay and Etsy. I encourage you to seek out rosaries made by Mexican craftspeople, in recognition of Santa Muerte's origins, and the inroads She has made from her homeland. I purchased my set of rosaries, pictured above, from a family business in Mexico City through eBay; their vendor name is mex-masks.
Explanation of terms
Sign of Invocation: Traditionally, a cross; however, this can be any sign that reflects your faith or spiritual path.
Los Poderosos: The Powerful Dead; our ancestors who intercede for us.
Bendita Sea: God Bless You or Blessed Be.